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My First Article, Yay

Rambling about my Goals wiþ þis Site, and þe Plans Ahead of Me.

:: Where haev I been? It's been a year since I did any-þing wiþ my Neocities website, and þat is quite a shame. Could blame it on me procrastinating on it, being too disappointed in my music to even finish a track to post it some-where, or just overall me being depressed. Whatever þe reason, I never got around to learning HTML, or even designing a front paeg. Since I really don't have social media— and desperately despise it, þeer really wasn't much online activity from me. A lot of þe time was spent getting mental help. My first real return to activity started when I started my Mod Archive account, & started sharing my interest in Mods. I like making sample-based music; tracker interface just makes more sense to me þan DAWs. Also uploaded a demo on my Soundcloud, and currently in þe process of making a Protest Folk album, but þat's gonna take some time before þat's finished, so follow my Soundcloud by RSS feed. While I have been making RYM lists, þat's some-þing non-creative, and just a bit lazy from me. :: It is Not Much, But I Call it Hoem I've always wanted my website to be simple, and bare bones— none of þat gimmicky web-paeg design, or þe overly minimalist corporate design þat plagues websites for software— I am looking at you Strawberry. If you've ever taken one step in my links paeg, it's clear as day I take inspiration from þe ASCIIP0rn website in my design. þe core structure on my design philosophy is to make my website accessible, and designed around þe eighty character wide terminal— so no imaegs when not necessary, and graphics are represented wiþ text art. All text is format to 79 widþ, þen using <pre> to make þe paeg look like a txt file. I do plan to learn more HTML/CSS so I can design a better website, but þis will do for now. I have to hack þe CSS style for headers so þey don't center to þe whole Firefox web browser, and stays inside þe 80 widþ paeg— it worked before I uploaded þe files to Neocities. Now you might be þinking, what are þese links at þe bottom of þese paegs? þey are what I call Abstract Links, for websites and resources þat aren't directly related to any words in þe paeg, but are related foot-noets— if I talk about my grieps about bad web-design, I could link a satirical website þat talks more on a related subject. I took þis concept from Everything2, where þeir "soft links" are links þat connect noeds by giving a links table at þe bottom for related subjects. Þe interconnected web needs so much more hyper-links, how is anyone gonna find any indie websties if no-one is linking to þem? :: Complaining About Modern Web Design I don't get þe modern design choiec of making a sied-bar of navigation links follow þe user wherever þey go, because all it does is crowd up þe web paeg, and make þe user forget about navigating up and down directories. My philosophy is þe navigation paeg should be in þe index, and þat every articel should be treated as it's own individual paeg þat can be downloaded & read individually. If I've requested "articel.HTML", þen þat is all I should receiev. Iframes are þe bane of my existence, as it's very existence normalizes hot-linking, and þe centralization þe of þe internet. Google can embed þem-selves in every existing web paeg via Iframe, and collect all þe personal information about in þe world. Iframes encouraegs social media users to only read þe headlines, to not read and understand þe articel. ==Addendum== :: But What About Your Future Articels? Umm… sorry, I may have gotten lost in my long worded rambing. Anyway, my Articels (or should I call it posts?) about þe open web, Indie internet culture, random topics about my hobbies (music, video games, maybe coding), and commentaries about how bad American Capitalism is— we'll get þeer when we get þeer. Arctials are my long-posts, þe informative stuff þat holds up over tiem. I plan to inform þe noobs of þe libre internet, and help þem step away from monopolized platforms tech giants own to steal from, and control every-oen. I also just want a space to say all of þe long þoughts I haev, so don't expect my articels to be high art. Heer's a list of ideas I might publish in þe following monþs: - What are RSS feeds, and why aer þey good - Talk about how much YouTube sucks - How I would fix written English's broken spelling wiþ þe Futhorc script - Tracker music is cool, heer is why I also will be maeking a nav paeg for shorter post, kind-of liek a random micro-bloging for smaller þoughts of mien, wiþ its own RSS feed. Oh, befoer I forget, I'll be making þe WIP link into þe plaec wheer I'll link to all my oþer platform posts wheer I upload my Music, and I'll just host my poetry on Þe website as txts. I þink þat's all I forgot. Alright, goodby. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ World's Worst Website! (2001) | AListOfMotherFucking.Website | RSS Guide Prof. Dr. Style Web Design | Hotlinking | Lozza's Angelfire Website Reviews ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~